Working axes and goals of the meeting
Procomuns: Forum of Collaborative Economies Procomuns is an action-event, and, as such, we use co-creation methodologies to develop new public policy proposals and to promote the common collaborative economy. We will do it from working sessions, different participatory materials and open documentation.
The program of the 2017 edition is articulated in 4 intervention levels:
Outputs: From the interaction and documentation generated around the four areas a declaration of Procomuns will be elaborated: Forum of Collaborative Economies Procomuns 2017; the resulting document will include the guiding principles for cities, as well as the common star of the collaborative economy
Open documentation of the conference
During Procomuns, the Procommon Collaborative Economies Forum, on 27 and 28 June, we will activate different channels of participatory documentation of the conference, in order to collect opinions and proposals from all the participants. As in the previous edition, in this way we pretend to generate new public policy proposals, as well as a synthesis document on the state of the procommon collaborative economy in Barcelona.
In collaboration with the project, which documents the technosocial movement in the Barcelona area, we will work in 3 “layers” of communication where we can collect al the contributions:
- PADs through Teixidora*: digital space to take notes in format PAD (with simultaneous writing) that during each session will try to collect notes about risks, opportunities and proposals for the collaborative economy.
- Presential panels: large posters located at the entrance of Barcelona Activa, where you can leave notes on different aspects of Procomuns (guiding principles of collaborative cities, implementation of actions arising from Procomuns 2016, risks, opportunities and proposals, etc.).
- Twitter/quitter: Distributed conversation by following a series of “hashtags” (keywords) linked to #procomunsBCN can also contribute from outside, for example, from people following the sessions by streaming.
All this documentation process (both digital and physical) will be generated following specific indications during the conference, so that everyone interested can participate.
The data and open knowledge generated by these channels will be collected and made accessible under a Public Domain license after the forum.
(*) The different pads linked to the meeting are part of the project La Mar De Bits, administered with free software.