Photo by TechCrunch on Flickr – Creative Commons by/2.0
Visualization and data contest on Commons Collaborative Economies
We invite all people interested in data visualization and the collaborative economy to showcase their creativity!
Participants should develop visualizations which allow identification of new relations among data gathered around the Commons Collaborative Economy in the P2P value project (and also the recent Catalan version of the directory).
It will be a space to highlight your skills, give visibility to your work in an international event in the framework of an European project.
The main goal is to create visualizations identifying relations and explanations among diverse types of cases of the Collaborative Economy.
There is a 1000€ prize to distribute among the best five (5) visualizations.
Registration and contact:
Contact with jsalcedoma@uoc.edu
Period: 5th to 12thMarch 2016 at 17:00 PM.
Winners – Data Visualization Contest
We are pleased to announce the winners of the procomuns.net data visualization contest.
First we must say that we are very grateful for everyone’s participation in this commons data visualization contest, and thank you all for the time and effort that you invested in developing your visualizations.
Based on the proposals received and taking into account the criteria that we formulated, the members of the jury have decided to award the following submissions:
First prize: Xavi Gimenezhttp://www.xavigimenez.net/projects/procomuns-2016/index.html
Second prize: Ishan Shapiro https://kumu.io/poietic/p2p-value#p2p-value-ecosystem-full
Third prize: Vidya Dudipala https://goo.gl/PypezC
Once again, we thank all participants, and congratulations to the winners!