The call for participation is open! Find out more here.
Jennifer Kang (Korea ShareHub & Open Data projects)
Loretta Anania (European Commission, DC Connect, CAPS)
Christian Iaione (Lab Gov, Bologna Lab)
Sonia Ruiz García (Gender Mainstreaming Department of Barcelona City Council)
Boyd Cohen (Sharing Accelerator Barcelona)
Brighenti Benedetta (Committe of the Regions, European Union)
Prodromos Tsiavos (Greece)
Sybille St Girons (Valeureux, France)
Rachel O’Dwyer (Openhere, Blockchain, Ireland)
Francisco Jurado (Andalucia Parlament)
Francesca Bria (NESTA, UK)
Stefano Sistini (European Commission, DC Connect, CAPS)
Ivana Pais (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)
María Sefidari (Wikimedia Foundation)
Felix Weth (Fairmondo, Germany)
Park Sun (Korea ShareHub & Open Data projects)
Adrián Todolí (Lawyer)
Hilary Wainwright (Transnational Institute)
Boyd Cohen (Sharing start-ups accelerator, USA)
Tomás Díez (FabLab Barcelona)
Dmytri Kleiner (CopyFarLeft)
Morana Miljanovic (Tor project)
Malcolm Bain (ID Law partners)
Derek Razo (Cobudget)
Felip Fenollosa (Fundació CIM)
Jordi Reynés (Ateneus de Fabricació)
David Hammerstein (Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue)
Participants organizers, speakers & colaborators
Jordi Via (Commission of Social and Cooperative Economy, Barcelona City Council)
Alvaro Porro (Barcelona Activa, Director Other Economies and Proximity)
Mayo Fuster Morell ( @ IN3-UOC, @ UAB, P2Pvalue, Berkman center)
Ramon Roca (
Leandro Navarro (Pangea, UPC)
David Franquesa ( and projects)
Wouter Tebbens (Free Knowledge Institute, Digital DIY project)
Mara Ballestrini (FabLab BCN )
Lucía Hernández (OuiShare)
Javier Creus (Ideas for change)
Xavier Dengra (Amical Wikimedia)
Albert Cañigueral (OuiShare)
Gemma Domenech (Consultant General Direction of Telecommunications and Information Society. Catalonia’s Generalitat Government)
Joan Subirats (, P2Pvalue)
Jorge L Salcedo (, P2Pvalue)
Elsa Soro ( @ IN3-UOC, P2Pvalue)
Enric Senabre ( @ IN3-UOC)
Mauricio O’Brien (Goteo)
Marco Berlinguer (, P2Pvalue)
Samer Hassan (UCM, P2Pvalue, Berkman center)
David Rozas (University of Surrey, P2Pvalue, Drupal)
Elena Martinez (TEEM – P2Pvalue)
Nigel Gilbert (University of Surrey, P2Pvalue)
Vasilis Niaros (P2P Foundation, P2PLab)
Stacco Troncoso (P2P Foundation)
Pablo Ojanguren (UCM, TEEM – P2Pvalue)
Primavera De Filippi (CNRS, P2Pvalue, Berkman center)
Javi Gil (Cyberpolitics, Madrid)
Policy recommendations Advisors (but not attendees)
Kristy Milland (Turker Nation)
Valerio de Stefano (Lawyer, expert in sharing labour)
Trebor Scholz (Platform cooperativism)